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دموع 09/04/2007 02:44 PM

رد: let us chat in English
Fares do you like any thing

PiNk PaNtHeR 14/04/2007 12:13 PM

رد: let us chat in English

yea he like to eat alot

talkig alot

and giving advices


dmoo3 the orenge is a nice color especially with brown

color the wall with orenge and put some dark brown furniture

some wooden things with a beige n dark brown curtains

n it will be beautiful

الفارس الاخير 14/04/2007 12:40 PM

رد: let us chat in English
Dmooo3 take that idea from PiNk PaNtHeR , but I think Dmooo3 on leave now

PiNk PaNtHeR 14/04/2007 12:59 PM

رد: let us chat in English
yea she is enjoying her time now

not like me n u

by the way , what are you doing here ???

dont you have works to be done??

shabab a5er zaman loooooooooooooooolz

الفارس الاخير 14/04/2007 02:43 PM

رد: let us chat in English
shabab a5er zaman loooooooooooooooolz


Am not from him..If u sa agin I will cray

PiNk PaNtHeR 14/04/2007 07:19 PM

رد: let us chat in English
why you will cry ??

i did hurt you

i'll say it again and again and again


show me how you will cry now


الفارس الاخير 15/04/2007 02:29 PM

رد: let us chat in English
ok.un u will see
I will start to cry from now untel coming to remove Dmooo3e

محمـد 16/04/2007 11:03 PM

رد: let us chat in English
loooooooooooool ... whats going on here ?

PiNk PaNtHeR 30/04/2007 06:13 PM

رد: let us chat in English
nothing really

we are just chatting

do you want to chat with us ??

إذكـــــــــر 30/04/2007 07:06 PM

رد: let us chat in English

اقتباس من مشاركة PiNk PaNtHeR (المشاركة 142466)


Please speak in english :biggrin:
You can say it in english as

::Youths Of Latest Time::

I am just jerking you :biggrin:

?How is everybody
I hope you'r all fine

PiNk PaNtHeR 30/04/2007 08:45 PM

رد: let us chat in English
yooooooooooooo r a Judge or what??

i was playing on fares's head

i just wanna see him crying looool


we are all fine brother what about u ?

long time we didnt see u

الفارس الاخير 02/05/2007 03:57 PM

رد: let us chat in English

اقتباس من مشاركة PiNk PaNtHeR (المشاركة 148136)
yooooooooooooo r a Judge or what??

i was playing on fares's head

i just wanna see him crying looool

we are all fine brother what about u ?

long time we didnt see u

OK ..OK ..OK PiNk PaNtHeR


دموع 02/05/2007 04:06 PM

رد: let us chat in English
what's up !!!!!!!

نبع العسل 05/05/2007 08:27 PM

رد: let us chat in English
skys are up :P
what's down ?

how was your day ?

PiNk PaNtHeR 07/05/2007 03:02 PM

رد: let us chat in English
hi people

how are you ? i hope everything is great with you guys

am so sad

الساعة الآن: 02:35 PM

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