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let us chat in English
hi everyone
I hope you r good let us chat in English so we will improve our English skills I hope you will join me and we will learn new words from each other waiting for you |
hiiiiiiiiiiii PiNk PaNtHeR
i am coooooool what,s about u that,s good idea to chating with people in english thaaaaaaaaaaaanks baby all the best 4 u |
thanks dear for your nice pass
i hope the other will pass and talk with us i just wanna ask you why did you chose the name joroo7 elwalah to call your self? waiting for the others all the best pinky |
hi pink panther you always too smart that you choose good subjects because we need to improve our english language to speak fluently and to have good hand writing . can i ask you some questions
first . tell me what is your ambitions in the future and what is friendship meaning for younoor alkoon is alwaye in your services and i hope to you all the best |
Thanks dear noor alkooon for your lovely pass you really make me feel happy
About my ambitions before I graduate from secondary school I wanted to be a doctor but unfortunately I didn’t get high marks Now am a student at the Higher College of Technology studying business I hope one day I will be someone famous in my lovely country Oman. What's friend ship in my dictionary? I will tell you that next time wish you all the best |
thank you so much pink panther and i hop to you that God fulfill all your wishes and i hope to you all the best
hello i dont know how but it just came on my mind and i like it then i chose it to be my nack name that`s it :119: and ur name?????? i guss u liked that cartoon right??? :icon1_rolleyes2: |
Peace to you My sister was a good idea
to learn and practice English Perhaps everyone would benefit from this topic As you on this subject :1:gif |
Am back again About friendship for me the best friend is the one who don't hide anything and always tell me the truth |
Nice name but I think its little sad name isn’t it? About my name I chose pinky first because the cartoon and because I want u to never forget me, always remember me I want to ask u: Don’t you remember me when you watch the cartoon? |
its realy makes me feel happy i hope you will come back and chat with as thank you all |
yes it,s sad but i like it because it`s mean alot 2 me u know problems with the family about ur name yeah that`s right i remember u and that`s make me smile i feel ur face same pink panther`s face hahahahahahahahahahaa even when i see tom & jerry i remember u loOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOol :119: |
Pardon my sister bank Panther God willing, we are going to have theme Theme is very beautiful |
hi jroo7
also remember me when you see judy apout coz my friends were calling my judy at school. Sorry my dear faris but I didn’t understand what you mean Heeeeeeey Can you believe that only one month left and we start school again? |
i meant that your subject is very beautiful and
it has nice spirit of communication with each other :044: :044: :044: |
i loooooooooooooove
judy abut oky i`ll call u with that nick name but u what u`ll call me???????? choose any name u like it |
grooo7 ur name is dl3l3 :D
nice name for jroo7
or maybe i'll call u dubaaa yeah thats better what do you think renada |
hi fox how are you
whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat ?? i dont understand u ?? thanks honey |
dubaaa no please not thes name this name butter 4 u judy hahahahahah choos ather name but i want perfact name like sweet girl or beautiful ???? krkrkrkrkrkrkr am soooooooorry judy beacous ........... u know i will tell u i promes u |
heeeeey wael
who is fox? jrooo7 try to cry that will make u feel betttar i hope everything will become ok because i dont feel better when i see two friends in agremant wael you are the only fox here hehehehehehehehehe |
?am i
oooh sorry forget it ?hi girls how are you ?what are you chatting about it seem to me there are some thing that we dont like ?what did happen PiNk,Joroh or anybody |
mmmmmmmm thanks alooot sis but i don`t think that i`ll cry and about u plllllllllllls don`t be angry from anything it`s oky coooooool down baby wael i`m doing great what``s about u? |
fine Jrooh thanks to ask
you look sad Jorooh, i can feel it just remember that most of things gona be fine i have to go now w'll talk later see you by |
dear wael
we r all fine what about u dont warry nathing happed it just a secret between me and jrooh right jroo7 how is the holydays with u did u go any where?? |
right hoeny
i feel so so booorig no thing i can do it now ?? |
you can do many things like fighting with ur friends
go and read somthing ^^ really there's many srcerit behind ur life '' best wish's'' |
you r teaching her to fight with her friends haa
thats a better way to spend your holyday but you know i dont thing there is a real friends knowadays what do you think?? |
this really nice idea i will fight with my friends like pinky & nome thats right there is many scerit in my life no body know about it thanks rinada |
i think like u becoues the friends in this day run behaind things i dont like same those girls |
what about the others what do you think about nowadays friendship?? |
no one chat with me
i'll start crying |
in this time there is not real friend ship . you feel that you live in the middle of forest , there are alot of foxes and wolves . they are too laying . there is one that can keep the secret . not all the majority . some of friends are too kind and you are ready to give them your soual and your life
dear noor al koon
you said that friend ship is like a big forest and there is a lot of wild animals who wont let you stay in peace but you I think in every forest there is a domestic animals who you would like to sit all the time with them searching for a good friend will take you long time ,, maybe years but at the end,, believe me you r going to find them soo live your life with love pinky |
anybody home :0114: |
I,m hear sweety how r u ?? i miss you and all the girls please say hii to them from me baaaaaaaaaaay |
I realy dont know if am good or not
cuz alot of things become worst then before but what to do if u dont have any one to talk with or no one ask about u if u r still alive jroo7 we all miss u so much and we want u back wish u all da best in ur studies see ya soon |
رد: let us chat in English
thank u sister about this nice topic and u give us the chance to write in english..thank u alot and I hop to u all the best..good luck
((blackdimond)) |
رد: let us chat in English
Hi all I hope to found more than me here. Iwant to chating by English It's funy |
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