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free spirit 22/07/2011 07:10 PM

turn back
Turn back and see what did you left
Behind you!!
You never thought that will hurt me a lot!!
Turn back and see what you did
You are leaving a person alone
You never thought that where that person will go then!!
Turn back and see what you did
You broke someone heart
You never thought that how that person will survive!!!
Turn back and see what you made
You made person cried
You never thought that my tears was so valuable for you!!
Turn back once again and see
What that person did for
You never think about it!!!
Now go where you want because no one will call you back again
And no one will sacrifice for you again!!!
Written by:free spirit

الصمت ميزتي 24/07/2011 10:15 PM

: turn back
thanks ^^

free spirit 24/07/2011 10:42 PM

: turn back
most welcome
and thx for passing

mimi 27/07/2011 01:50 AM

: turn back
واااااو مشكوووووور في البداية نلاحظ ضعفك وتالمك بس في النهاية عرفت كيف تترك كلمات عميقة وقاسية للاشخاص الذين يؤذون مشاعرنا واااااااو روووووووعة عجبتني كتييييييير ظلك هيك قوي

free spirit 27/07/2011 10:51 AM

: turn back
مشكورة يا غاليه ع مرورك
اسعدني تواجدك معاي
لأهنتي يا ميمي

الساعة الآن: 10:12 AM

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