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-   -   May I have your attention please!! (https://www.omaniyat.net/vb/showthread.php?t=22323)

free spirit 25/07/2011 12:21 PM

May I have your attention please!!
I want you to just imagine with me
Are you ready
I think yeah !! you are~
One day you just open your favorite forum website to sign in
You love and adore that forum because you became famous and well known person among the other members
And you really worked so hard for it may be 6 hr in one day!!it sound crazy
…,Beneficial to every one,forum will become famous and so on

and then suddenly that forum is close for ever!!
What is your reaction will be??
Do you have any opinion want share to the forum owner or manager??
Waiting for your all objections and opinion
Written by free spirit

free spirit 25/07/2011 12:43 PM

: May I have your attention please!!
Well!! I have been through it
I jointed on forum and worked very hard and put all my new and fresh works in it
I sign in it In one day may be 3 or4 times and sat 6 or7 hr
you could say that I was addicted to it because I had nothing to do at that time
I was the member of that forum till 6 month and then one day it suddenly closed I was surprised
I put all my effort in it and the owner of the forum never sent us any notice that the forum will close for ever at least the member will aware and take there works
Like me I wrote many things and I so blame my self why I not put the copy of my work in case!!
My heart broke even just hate the owner
My suggestion to all owners of the forum please if there is any emergency or you want to close the forum send the members at least
close the forum send the members at least the notice to aware them

الساعة الآن: 10:06 AM

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