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anime girl 13/10/2011 12:26 AM

The value of life
The value of life

Life is something a lot of people don't appreciate, they do drugs, they drink alcohol, they have unsafe sex, but the question that a lot of people don't ask them self is : why?! , why would I do this?! , why would I say that?! , why am I here?! , we seem to forget that life was given to us as a gift, you have been given options on what do with your life, it is your choice, and every choice you make in this life will affect you, and it might also affect the people you love the most, so my advice is be careful of the choices you make, because life is easily lost.

semo 13/10/2011 12:46 AM

: The value of life
Good choice by choosing true human life no mistake cost him a lot and may be the result of this the wrong end of life
thank you

free spirit 14/10/2011 11:03 AM

: The value of life
very great topic since i joint this forum i never seen this kind of topics
so well done girl
well the answer of why????is lonely when person be alone and no body cars about him where he is going ,what talking,to whom talking
so he lost his way and faith he become unconfined and confused
he need some one to show him the way or some one he can depend on him
so that is why he select the drugs and other bad stuff to busy him self

الساعة الآن: 10:49 PM

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