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لحن و جرح 22/02/2006 04:10 PM

friend ship
I'm looking for a friend today,
A friend who'll never stay away.
I want one friend, or maybe two,
But I want a friend who's just like you


I'm looking for a friend, you see,
A friend who needs someone like me.
I want this friend, I really do,
But I want a friend who's just like you.


I'm looking for a friend sincere,
A friend who'll always bring good cheer.
I want a friend who wants me too,
But I want a friend who's just like you.


I'm looking for a loving friend,
Who will not let our friendship end.
I want a friend who's always true,
I think I've found my friend... IT'S YOU!


I'm looking for a friend who's good,
Who'll do the things a kind friend should.
I want a friend who's happy too,
But I want a friend who's just like you.

"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."

إذكـــــــــر 22/02/2006 05:12 PM

لحنت بكلماتك الجميلة أعذب الكلمات الإنجليزية
وضمدت بمضمونك الجرح
فأصبح لقبك لحن
وبدورك أخفيت الجرح
شكرا على كلماتك الساحرة الجميلة

لحن و جرح 28/02/2006 09:37 AM

مشكور اخي العزيز " إذكــر " على مرورك الكريم و التعقيب على الموضوع

اخي انا متشكر على الكلام التي قمت بكتلبتها لكي ترد على موضوعي .

تحياتي اخي الكريم

الــقــيــصــر 01/03/2006 12:08 AM

كلمات رائعة أشكرك أخي :)

لحن و جرح 02/03/2006 12:45 PM

مشكور اخي العزي " القيصر" على المرور و التعقيب تحياتي

نور القمر 02/03/2006 02:08 PM

شكر اخي على الكلمات الرائعه


رينادا 02/03/2006 02:15 PM

لحن وجرح it was anice word

thanx aloot

لحن و جرح 04/03/2006 03:51 PM

مشكور اختي " نور القمر " على المرور و التعقيب

ولكي مني خالص التحية و التقدير

اخوكي لحن و جرح

لحن و جرح 04/03/2006 04:00 PM

thank you

" رينادا "
and i want tell you this

there are alot of friends but the best is one
friends like stars you don't always see them but you know they are always there . just like you ?

see you soon

الساعة الآن: 08:45 AM

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