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shadow 19/04/2006 08:26 PM

I can see war
I can see war approaching

Ican see peace leaving

I can feel death of innocents

I can here screem of injured



Heart is bleeding

Eye is crying

voice is raising

Till when?

Till Victory of them

Till defeating their enemy

Till they are Free

But when ?

When we ask help from Allah only

When we get back to the true way

When we love

Love who?



Our prophet?


All people who want true and real peace ?


Our enemy ?


Don't ever think about talking to them


If they want to know the truth

If they want to return to the right path


If they insist on their behaviour

If they still want to kill and kill us

we will say

Call us terorrists

We will defend our selves

Allah is with us

We will defeat you !!!

In this battle

And War!!

noor alkooon 27/04/2006 08:22 PM

your poem is beautiful and all the best and we hope to live peacefully without war

PiNk PaNtHeR 30/04/2006 05:24 PM

[align=left]dear shadow
every day in our live we meet new people
sometimes we only wish them and sometimes we love them

but you never know if he or she is a friend or an enemy

so we should be carefull and don't stop serching of good people

nice poem dear shadow

wish you all the best

shadow 01/05/2006 10:02 AM

noor ...
the buaty is your pass ...
no body can wish live in war ...

shadow 01/05/2006 10:03 AM

Pink thanks alot for your pass...
all the best for all ...

beauty soul 01/05/2006 08:47 PM

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

I think we will be very strong if all muslims know what is our islam........ Though your words are simple ,but really I like them ,,,,,,, wish you all the best and may Allah blessing you

wardha11 beauty soulwardha11

noor alkooon 02/05/2006 10:38 PM

thank you shadow this is from your teste and thanks alot

shadow 10/05/2006 11:35 PM

thanks for your pass
& thnks allah you like my words ....

shadow 10/05/2006 11:37 PM

your welcome noor ... (( aloot ))

الساعة الآن: 12:12 AM

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