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دموع 16/01/2007 01:38 PM

Life is like a garden field with blossom and rare and the special friends we have are the flowers blooming there.

الفارس الاخير 16/01/2007 02:46 PM

رد: !!!!!!Life
shoookran Dmoooo3 nice topic

we all the beast

noor alkooon 16/01/2007 03:49 PM

رد: !!!!!!Life
your expression about life was right and i hope to you all the best and in the future you will be good poet or writer

PiNk PaNtHeR 04/02/2007 02:08 PM

رد: !!!!!!Life
The best of friends,
Can change a frown,
Into a smile,
when you feel down.

The best of friends,
Will understand,
Your little trials,
And lend a hand.

The best of friends,
Will always share,
Your secret dreams,
Because they care.

The best of friends,
Worth more than gold,
Give all the love,
A heart can hold.

thanx alot dmoo3

all da best

دموع 05/02/2007 10:01 AM

رد: !!!!!!Life
Thank you Pinki
I like what you wrote

الساعة الآن: 01:02 PM

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