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دموع 06/02/2007 10:54 AM

A Rose
A lovely rose with petals soft
A scent so sweet and light
So beautiful a flower
With colors shining bright.
But something not so savory
About the fragrant rose -
The thorns, so sharp upon the stem,
That sharpen as it grows.
Yet still lovely is the flower
Despite the thorns that prick
Just as life and love are sweet
They too have thorns that stick.
But do not fear to live or love,
Life's not exempt from pain -
So pick a rose, you may get hurt,
But you will also gain!

الفارس الاخير 10/02/2007 01:03 PM

رد: A Rose
you have nice pin

all the beast

دموع 10/02/2007 01:41 PM

رد: A Rose
Thank you the last horse man for passing and reading

نبع العسل 23/02/2007 04:26 PM

رد: A Rose
it is beautiful words thank you and keep it up

دموع 24/02/2007 03:43 PM

رد: A Rose

اقتباس من مشاركة نبع العسل
it is beautiful words thank you and keep it up

Thank you for passing

الساعة الآن: 08:59 AM

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