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حلاوه 25/10/2007 01:11 PM

كلمات جملية
موضوعي صغير لكن كلماته جملية


[align=left]the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams .
we are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars .
The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be the beginning .
Even if I know the world would end tomorrow , I would plant my apple tree today .

تحياتي حلاوة

Give hope dream to smoeone very special

زهرةالشوق 25/10/2007 06:48 PM

رد : كلمات جملية
it is very nice

and the word itis more nice

الصمت ميزتي 25/10/2007 07:23 PM

رد : كلمات جملية
yes it is nice
the last sentence make me smile ,strong and to have self confidence

time, it feels like the wind
It changes everywhere I go
I'm just trying to fit in
Now here I stand
And I'm still just that girl
I'm following my heart
In this amazing crazy world



حلاوه 25/10/2007 08:16 PM

رد : كلمات جملية
for every one

شتات 25/10/2007 09:14 PM

رد : كلمات جملية
your words are very beautiful
keep on writing such nice words

حلاوه 08/11/2007 06:14 PM

رد : كلمات جملية
thank you

الساعة الآن: 08:57 AM

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