Rough hands:-
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It is a beautiful Feast when I take rest.
My body is eager to sleep all the night.
I am very happy as I work hard and I do my best.
Much work, much happiness, much piety, much Sweating, much beauty and many meanings to life.
Millions hours of hard works, billions gardens in my free heart and trillions of paradises
Rough hands are loved by the Christ, Islam prophet and by Torah and the Bible.
Under the hard sun in my field I work in Summer.
I get crops from the heart of the soil and get sugar.
I hardly can eat, I hardly can walk and I have long time till I can close my eyes and sleep.
I sleep eleven hours a night and I get up like a lion though I slept as a dog and in his neck thick rope.
No need to the false starizm, strong T v fame , love, like and comments.
This unfair world will end and my poems will live and light my tombs.
No need to love or ladies in kitchen or in bed.
With my few loaves and quarter kilo of cheese, I am happier and richer than King of Oman and England.
Written by Abdellatif A. Fouad.
June 8,2042