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خيارات الموضوع ابحث بهذا الموضوع طريقة العرض
قديم 16/05/2015, 07:13 PM
صورة لـ عبداللطيف أحمد فؤاد
عبداللطيف أحمد فؤاد
I am the only one.

I am one in million
I am the one poet in million
That is bringing up the great Napoleon
That feeds happiness to babies and children
I am one lion in million
That feeds joy to the families of Egypt and family of England
I am the only one in this world who touches sand and change it into gold
I am the only one farmer in many millions who is loved by the ladies armed nipples.
I am the only great writer in many millions who is drawn by the white sexy hips.
I am the only strong nice young man in million who is taken photos to him by clean barefoot.
As I am so smart so strong and extremely great
I am the only one poet whose cheeks are kissed by the princesses' lips and foreheads
I am the only one poet in million whose skin is touched by the millions American Actresses
I am the only one teacher whose lessons become lamps to the scientists
I am the only one in million knees are kissed by the knees of Europe queens
I am the only one angel whose sexy fingers are kissed by the hairs of the journalists.

I am the one in many millions whose golden letters are the food of beautiful girls
I am the only one in million whose small poems are the spirits of birds, flowers and ladies
I am the only one butterfly whose color is the light of the eyes of the fish in the black seas and red Oceans

I am the only one knight whose white horse is running without wedding.
I am the only one poet who is planting courageous seed in the hearts of the Arabs
I am the only Composer whose tunes are the key of sleep to twenty Thousand million peoples
I am the only one professor whose words are the laws of the capitals
I am the only one member of the government whose plans are the ways of success
I am the only one lover whose heart has only one place to only one princess
I am the only one in many millions whose page on facebook is made from gold
I am the only one in many millions whose steps are the guides to tourists, reporters,
I am the only one in many millions prim minsters whose eyes are so deep and green
I am the only one king in many thousand millions whose advices are the keys of paradise
I am the only one messenger whose cheap car is the castle of the hell
Abdellatif Ahmed Fouad

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