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قديم 06/06/2024, 06:03 PM
صورة لـ عبداللطيف أحمد فؤاد
عبداللطيف أحمد فؤاد

Conference of poverty spokesman:-

Before cameras of Tik toke, Facebook,Instagram and X poverty has held international conference.

Great poverty tells the world, Abdo is my twin before birth of Shakespeare before billions years.

I reply, thanks dear brother, you are very right.

But health is better than you and, I fight you as I am the villages and cities kinght and poet.

I do not need money, I need one loaf and some salt.

They are very enough to make my stomach happy and sing day and night.

Dear great beautiful poverty, long live with me and I will enjoy, real love and, youth and health.

I am the strongest man and the happiest star on the earth.

Poverty, I will give you Brotherhood World Cup.

I will support you and this week you will win Noble prize in help.

The stars, the kings, the embassadors are very rich and extremely strong.

But they are capitals of sadness and can't taste any song.

Ladies of money and Authorities have bought Washington, London and Hong Kong.

But their tears are very clear before me and I am hardly go shopping.

I prefer poverty, I love poverty, it makes me the angel in sad skys,roads, palm trees, seas, deserts, trees and houses.,

And poverty teeth hurt me but instead of their pain place, God grows joy, jungles, birds, nightingales and fruits.

And flowers and roses form gardens in the squares of my heart arteries.

So I am stronger than the American Air Forces.

So I am richer than owners of Facebook and technology companies.

So I am happier than the films comdians, children and any person in your sad Universe.


In the train, , in the field, in the street, before my ocean, my coast and my poor cities, I write historic poetry.

And my poems are my embassador to the coming generations on the earth or in the sky.

Before meals, after drinking some coffee, my heart sings and enjoy fantastic jokes.

I am happily face to face with nature, Spring, rains, tempests and emotional volcanoes.

I do not need to know anything about policy, wars and your dirty plots of false stars of society.

I have no desire to watch football matches, theaters, films, plays or read any essay.


My essays come in golden planes from the sky to my hut airport every morning.

All the prophets are my real brothers, my friends and my supports.

So these are my emails to the the world population.

To every nationality, you should live as birds and eat some corne, green Onion and cheese.

Live by my coast near the heart of nature and be king of happiness and red flowers.

You will find yourself the happiest and daily your lips will be kissed million kisses.

You will have showers with kingdoms of ladies.

And my hips will be massaged by thousands beautiful white hips.

Written by Abdellatif A. Fouad.
June 2024

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