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قديم 19/11/2024, 09:44 PM
صورة لـ عبداللطيف أحمد فؤاد
عبداللطيف أحمد فؤاد
Trees of love

Tree of sugar:-
I lead countries of birds in the sky.

Our flight begins from airport of Bombay.

Where our food is a piece of love and our water is a bottle of cup of warmth.

Just I need a true seed of happiness to water and care.

I order every bird to use great scret plane to search for happiness every


I am sending emails to kingdoms of whales to invistigate the seas and oceans


The humankind and Republics of devils stole and burn happiness seeds in the

desert of Singapore.

The lions and his wife are very busy in searching for drop of joy in the farest


They find the footprints of my birds and the result is very big zeroes.

In wars , leaders of evil countries are in fact great secret gangs.

In peace leaders of weak countries hide and absorb the treasures.

In ministeries,in factories,in transports ,no way to find and seeds.

After long search, after hard days and after enldess nights.

One of my nightingales watches a sad flower crying in the very far corner of

the of the eastern desert of Egypt.

They are phonnig me and explaining the great discovery in a a very long and

short minute .

Everything about flower of love and happiness is right.

I have formed a great army from seven billion birds and nightingales.

In my military academy, they know how to use the love nuclear weapons.

Leaders of modern technology and industrial intelligence become so terrified

They try to fight my great birds and our beautyinside.

Enemys of beauty, killers of joy ,thieves of smiles have formed death teams.

They are using gunpowders, nuclear submarines and secret weapons in these

dirty wars.

They attack and blackmail the only sad flower at night.

They have killed her without pity ,without tear,.

Suddenly ,the biggest doors of the sky disappear.

We fly and cross , we left this ugly and evil world and went far.

The Christ is my very close neighbor.

I find gardens of happiness everywhere.

I build every bird a palace infront of love shore.

There is a new dance and the dancer is honey jar.

In our hearts soil, in our gardens ,in our golden nests and in our diamond

flats there is a very huge flower.

From the right leave in this huge flower,I collect three billions tones of sugar.

From the left branch,I collect millions kilos of butter.

I order the ancient writers to come backe to life again.

They return to life again under the leadership of Shakespeare.

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الساعة الآن: 06:23 PM

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