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English Forum For the discussions the different exchanged the colloquies in various subject By the english language

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قديم 29/05/2013, 12:43 AM
صورة لـ عبداللطيف أحمد فؤاد
عبداللطيف أحمد فؤاد
To Hilary Clinton

Open the secret doors of the capitals hearts
You will find Queen Hilary Clinton
Open the secret windows of the cities livers
You will find the angel Hilary Clinton
Open the secret gates of the countries
And fly like the bird Hilary Clinton
Read the minds of the poems
You will read about Hilary Clinton
Watch the films of the lovers
You will like princess of beauty Clinton
In 26 October 1947 rain was born
Do you know the rain? It is Hilary Clinton.
In 26 October 1947 life was born
Do you know our life? It is Hilary Clinton.
In 26 October 1947 beauty was born
In 1947 the love was born
In 1947 the happiness was born
The peace was born, majesty was born,
The sun was born, writing was born
The seas were born, the sky was born
Do you know the suns and moons? It is Clinton
Face book and twitter were born
Information and channels were born
In 1947 when the gift Hilary was born
Love and enjoyment were born
Tourism and children birth were born
Garden and birds were born
Reading was born and listening was born
The best life was born.
Do you know all? It is Hilary Clinton.
In 1947 when the gift Hilary was born
Death was torn, illness was torn
Separation was torn, sadness was torn
Tears were torn, terrorism was torn
In 1947 when the gift Hilary was born
War changed into peace

Desert becomes trees
Fires married to seas
Mountains become valleys
Your generous eyes became hotels
Where the world populations stay
Where they write poetry
Where they achieve glory
Where the prophets came for them
Where the loather king sing for them
Where Madonna dances for them

Abdellatif Ahmed Fouad Ghazla senbellawan dakhlya


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