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قديم 12/08/2008, 01:04 PM
صورة لـ عبداللطيف أحمد فؤاد
عبداللطيف أحمد فؤاد
The story of Sweeden lady with death and love second part , the jew and Islam

[frame="7 80"]Suddenly they met pupils from the countyside of Egypt around the pyramids The students were very happy to meet the tourists from foreign nationalities particulary the pretty young ladies who are symbole of love and beauty. MR Abdo was a poet and value high the beauty of ladies and nature and he was the observer of the visit.
The teacher and the observer of the visit of was Mr Abdo he was a young nice kind man and went towards the tourists and the students followed him at once happily .Helen and monika welcomed them and talked with them simple talk and the beautiful ladies kissed the students and their observer happily
They took photos with them and camers also. .
Every one one of them went on his way .Mr Abdo took his students to the The zoo was the second place to visit in Cairo .
In the zoo the studentts spent a very good time in watching the wild animals and feeding the fruit to different animals like the monkies and hippoes .
They had their lunch in the resturant of the zoo. After their lunch the students played games and sports with each other under the observation of Mr Abdo . At 3 o, clock they went to the last place in Cairo.
It was the castle of Mohamed Ali . The bus of the students arrived and they booked their tickets to enter the palace . They went inside the palace the most historic place in Egypt and the most beautiful place in Egypt and the worlds.
Next to the door of the mosque They met Helen and Monika again now it is the fate hand to meet those pretty ladies and we must talk more and more
The students before their teachers went to welcome them again and made a circle round them . The students asked them to write their address to them but they only wrote their elctronic address e mail. Helen was sad and speak with Mr Abdo and the students sadly and one of the students told her Helen you are the capital of sadness in the worlds and you suffer from the illness of your society.
Let us talk with Monika she has an open kind heart lady and able to laugh to share their talks. Monika was ateacher and so she is happy to see the students around her. She answerd every questions of the students easily and happily and after an hour they became close friends.
Every one of them returned back to his home land Monika and Helen went to Sweeden .
Mr Abdo had his own computer in his house and the net and he sent a lot of E mails to Helen and Monika
Helen was very sad and her pycological problems were huge and she can not exchane any e mails with any one and live in a very big isolation waits her fate. Monika had a very open mind and love heart and repleid to the e mail of Mr Abdo and accepted his invitation to visit him alone and spend 2 weeks with his sister that was a students with him in the former visit. Monika gave him the time of her plane arrival and Mr Abdo and his sister waited her in the airport . Welcome Monika we are extremely happy to be here and live with my sister for 15 days
Monika thank you very much and Iam between my family . They took a taxi and went to the village of Mr Abdo and arrived there . The people of the village waited her and welcome her as she was a queen not a teacher .
In Ghazala she met different people from all kind from all classes rich and poor . She and Adab visited Adab freinds where she saw the clean houses and gardens even the trees danced for her and the birds sang the welcome song to her.
They also visited the fieds and saw the waterwheals . Every one was singing and every one was happy till the cows and donkies were happy and singing their own song. Monika was surprised to see this simple society live in peace and live for peace without any danger. There is a very big differnce between what we hear and what I see by myself on real life by my own eyes.
Mr Abdo asked her what do you think now of our country? Monika oh it is the lost paradise I am in a big dream . your village and Egypt is the Utopia. The Utopia is Ghazala this nice small village that lives next to the Nile and the moon washes her face every night. Monika was very happy to live this simple life with simple happy society no fear , no danger and nothing bad.
Monika in a simple party asked Mr Abdo What are your plans to achieve this happy life .Mr Abdo nothnig but we are muslims and we pray the dawn and go to work and every one knows his duty and right according to the princeples of Islam that is the religion of peace and and clear hands.
Monika Mr Abdo explain the rules of Islam
Mr Abdo religion of peace white hands respectation and the person lives for his family for his society and befor them his country and here the man lives for and respect of his wife and do his best to make them happy .
Monika why do y pay for women do you sell women here?
Mr Abdo no we do not sell women here but she is very dear and the man must bring her a present such as gold as he can and if he can not no problems.
And they go to their paradise, live with each other under the the love tree shadow they live.and never allwoed to him to leave her suddenly with her children and go to other woman before he provide them every thing they need and want and the best education in best schools and he is resposible for the children till they are 22 or finish the University and he must tell her that he is going to marry any other woman with her desire or she get divorced.
What about wine here and drugs? She asked No drugs no wine all of them against the law and who get them is a very great criminal to prison.
And we educate children how to keep the Holly Quran that is the way to success in life and enter paradise also we teach them horse riding swimming driving cars . and at the end every problem you find her soultion in Islam that is relgion of spirit and body past and future life and death and the way to Paradise and the end of religions Monika saw that the simple people of Egypt are high educated men and
Have the ability to to prsuade you to their side.
Monika went to her bed room with Adab and slept as this night is the best night in her life with this simple family is full of emotions and happiness .
The next day she went with Mr Abdo to the field and she said, I want to ask you 2 critical questions . He said ok ask what do you want.
Why do the men marry 2or 4 women?
Second why do you think in prphet Mohamed although he practised sex with children like sayeda Aisha?
First when the first wife is ill and can not satisfy the sexual desire of her husband because of her illness or she can, the man must marry and never divorce the first wife or leave her but care her and her children
. The second question means y know ugly black information about Islam and I will answer you our prophet Mohamad peace be upon him was the king of prophets and and when he married Elsayeda Aisha yes she was 9 years old but she was strong and she was able to be the wife of the king of prophets and she was very strong as the lady in hot countries grow quickly as if she is 22 years old .

Number 2 the king of prophets needed her and her young age as she may live long after him and talk to the new generations about the prophet and how he was kind and cultivate peace to the whole world. Mr Abdo told her any other question Monika . She replied no and thank you very much for your answer and I hope you took it easily.
On the farm she saw a lot of animals , waterwheals, the birds , water in the rivers and trees are singing dancing to every one .
The2 weeks passed like a second and . Monika wrote her story with the people of the Egyptian village in a short story and she published her in a famouse newspaper in Sweeden and caused a great debate between people in every field of human life paritculary the rich professors insisted on watching by themselves and visising this village .
They went to Monika in her flat after taking her address from the newspaper and asked about the simple village of Egypt. Monika gave them the address and hoped them good luck . they looked at it and stared at this name that made a great nice situations towards Islam and the muslims and how they are the source of civilization and welfare to the human being. The jew professor asked Monika about the address of Mr Abdo and she agreed to give them it at once and said next to the Balaa mosque ok thanks Monika and soon they took the plane and went to Egypt and to Dakhlya Senbellawan and arrived to Gazala by taxi. The trees of the fields welcome them and danced for the new guests and after them the channels of TV and the newspaper and websites.
They arrived to Ghazala and asked about their enemy friend Mr Abdo. They arrived to his house quickly and easily . The head of the team asked him Are y Mr Abdo? Yes Iam he . You are Dr professor Jew yes, Monika told me about your coming byE mail welcome and have a seat till I prepare the Sweeden food to you .
The Jew professor thank y Mr Abdo and I will till you that we will never stay for a long time only 3 or 4 days and after that we will leave .
Ok as you like and have a nice day and life. Said Mr Abdo

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