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قديم 22/04/2011, 05:37 PM
خايف مسساعده ربي يعاافيكم ..!

السسلام عليكم

ااخواني خواتي احتااج لمساعدتكم في ترجمة هذه القطع
انا حاولت اترجمها بالقاموس واستعنت بترجمة قوقل بعد

لكن اجهل ترتيبها بالشكل الصح

ارجوووووووكم لحد يبخل علي ..=(

the interpretation of fiction
when we interpret a story we explain it to ourselves and try to make sense of it . we form subjective impressions as we experience fiction , but we have relatively objective considerations in mind when we interpret it .
we say "relatively" objective because no reading of a story is entirely objective : every interpretation is one way of understanding the text among many : every interpretation is influenced by our particular language , culture , and experience . what then do we mean by
interpretation ؟
interpretation Understanding , essentially . An interpretation is An argument about a story’s meaning as we understand it . is an
it’s our way of stating and supporting , with arguments based on analysis
, what the story means , what is says or suggest , rather than how it affects us.
Interpretation , in short , relies on our intellectual comprehension
rather than on our emotional response to the literary work


Say yes -
we live in a decade that’s saying yes to change . so why are turning down opportunities that could change your life ?
saying yes when you feel like saying no is ultimate battle in the war for positive energy . saying yes means having the guts to take responsibility for yourself , and creating the energy to see you through new opportunities. motivation is the force we all seek . and sometimes , let’s face it , it’s just not there . it’s far easier, more comfortable to no , than grab life by the scruff of the neck and say yes !


the effect of passive smoking

smoke in the atmosphere , left there by smokers , is called Environmental tobacco smoke , or ETS for short . It consists of the sidestream smoke from the end of a burning cigarette and the mainstream smoke which has already been inhaled and then exhaled by the smokers, we now know that tobacco smoke released into the air by smokers is a complex chemical cocktail made up of thousands of tiny particles and gases


the symbol of food -
food has many symbolic
؛ it can transmit and reinforce ethnic traditions either regularly or on special holidays . it can be used at lavish dinner parties as an expression of economic success ؛ it can denote worldliness and sophistication in the form of complicated gourmet dishes of obscure origin .
A great deal can be learned about a person by knowing something about his attitudes toward food-not only what , how , when , and where he eats , but also how the groceries are bought , how the refrigerator and pantry shelve are stocked , how the cooking is organized , and how the dishes are cleaned up . in many significant ways, all of us are not only what we eat ; we truly express who we are by how we eat


Why people follow fashion-
Befor the 1800 some nations had low that regulated the clothing fashions of people in certain social classes
many of these sumptuary lows were designed to preserve the class system .sometime’ they forced people to buy products manufactured in thier own country . An english low of the 1600’s required men of the lower classes to wear woolen caps made in england . however, this same law permitted men of high position to wear velvet hats from france

The social construction of crime
Crime is major source of social concern today look at any daily newspaper , certainly those published in western countries , and you will find a significant proportion of thier column inches devoted to reports of murder , theft and accounts of sensational trials . for films and television , stories of crimes and their detection are the sources of many series . increases in crime rates will often be treated as headline news , and many people see the " low and order issue " as one of the most pressing in modern society

اسال الله العظييم ان يفرج عن كل من حاول يسساعدني

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قديم 07/06/2011, 03:32 PM
صورة لـ هيل وزعفران
هيل وزعفران
: مسساعده ربي يعاافيكم ..!

هلا اختي
اقدر اساعدك بس عاد عطيني وقت انة في الدوام الحين، لي مته تبينهم؟

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