A very detailed and beneficial book which highlights the fasting and its history, aims, requirements and types. This is one of the selected materials.
Author: Khalid Aljuraisy
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
Publisher: http://www.alukah.net - Al Alukah Website
The Book Of Prayer: Salaat (Prayer) is one of the main obligations which Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) has ordained on His servants. It is the first act of worship decreed on the Muslim Nation (Ummah) by Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) and was ordained on the night of the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) ascension to the seven heavens. It is the second of the five pillars of Islam after the proclamation of the “Shahada” (the words of witness).
Author: Anas Bin AbdulHameed Al-Qooz
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
Publisher: http://www.dar-alsalam.com - Darussalam Publications Website
The Hadith is Proof Itself in Belief & Laws
Author: Muhammad Naasiruddeen al-Albaanee
With the advent of another Ramadan, a mixture of feelings overwhelm the hearts of Muslims all over the world. The hearts are full of hope, based on trithful promises and glad tidings given by Allah and his Messenger, of great bounties and endless bliss.
Author: Abdul Kareem Awwad
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
The Promised Prophet of the Bible
Author: Munqith ibn Mahmood As-Saqqar
Each person is born in a religious environment that is not of his/her own choice. From the very beginning of human existence in this world, they are assigned the religion of their family or the ideology of the state. By the time individuals reach their teens they usually accept the beliefs of their parents or that of their particular society. However, when some people mature and are exposed to other beliefs and ideologies, they begin to question the validity of their own beliefs, and search for the truth.
Author: Majed S. Al-Rassi - Majid Bin Sulaiman Al-Russi
Reveiwers: Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips